Please direct questions, concerns and complaints to the township secretary or the Board of Supervisors at any of the numbers listed on the home page. For complaints, please sign and submit to the township building for review by the board. Thank you!
The Marion Township Board of Supervisors will be accepting letters of interest for the following positions: Auditor and Planning Commission Please submit letters of interest to Marion Township at 4337 Jacksonville Road Howard, PA 16841 or through email at
Act 13 2022 Report
Marion Township has the following Vacancies:
Vacancy board
Zoning Hearing Board- (2)
2021 Act 13 Report foundhere
History of Marion Township Books
History of Marion Township Books are currently for sale for $15.00. Please contact the township secretary if you would like to purchase one. No petty cash is kept at the township so please bring exact change or a check made payable to Marion Township