Centre County, PA

Monthly Special Announcements

Office Hours:​

Tuesday- 9:00- 3:00

​Wednesday- 9:00 - 3:00​

Thursday- 9:00- 3:00


4337 Jacksonville Rd
Howard, PA 16841

Contact Information:

Secretary/Treasurer- Leisa Johnstonbaugh
Phone: 814-625-2061
Fax:     814-625-9186
Email:  mariontwp@comcast.net

Archie Gettig, Jr., Chairman, 814-360-0191

​Herbert Chapman, Vice-Chairman, 814- 441-1015

David Rosendale, Supervisor, 410-905-4879

For a full list of township officials, please click here.
For a list of the regularly scheduled meetings, times and dates, please click here.

Special Notice:

Right-to-know notification.

Right-to-Know request form.